

点击数: [] 更新日期:2023年06月19日 13:06



报告题目:Using multcomponent pheromone lures as tools for monitoring biodversity and to better understand cerambycid beete ecology in a tropical rainforest. (利用多组分天牛信息素监测热带雨林天牛多样性与生态学研究)

报告专家:Prof. Jacob D. Wickham

所属机构:Severstov Institution of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences (俄罗斯科学院谢韦尔佐夫生态与进化研究所)


Prof. Jacob D. Wickham is currently a Senior Scientific Researcher at the Severstov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences. He has worked in China and Southeast Asia for over 15 years and his research interests include chemical ecology of woodboring beetles and understanding the multitrophic mechanism of biological invasion by investigating multi-trophic levels of interactions among pest insects, host plants, and their microbiome. He has published more than 40 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including ISME and Current Biology. Jacob is the Senior Managing Editor of the journal Integrative Zoology, the flagship journals for the International Society of Zoological Sciences, headquartered at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of in Beijing, China.

Jacob D. Wickham 现任俄罗斯科学院谢韦尔斯托夫生态与进化研究所高级研究员。他在中国和东南亚工作超过15年,主要从事蛀干甲虫的化员工态学研究,通过研究害虫、寄主植物及微生物相互作用的多营养水平,了解生物入侵的多营养机制。在ISME、Current Biology等国际同行评议期刊上发表论文40余篇。 Jacob也是《Integrative Zoology》杂志的执行编辑。)

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